İSİM:Nex |
TÜR:Hayvan |
SEVİYE:1001 |
MEMBERLİK:gerekir |
SALDIRI ŞEKLİ:magic,melee,range |
DÜŞÜRDÜĞÜ İTEMLER: Para: 19,000 - 20,000 100%: Büyük Kemikler Silah: Dragon spear, Rune 2h sword, Rune battleaxe, Rune javelin(50), Rune sword, Zaryte bow Zırh:Ancient ceremonial boots, Ancient ceremonial gloves, Ancient ceremonial legs, Ancient ceremonial mask, Ancient ceremonial top, Mithril full helm(150)(noted), Pernix body, Pernix chaps, Pernix cowl, Rune kiteshield, Torva full helm, Torva platebody, Torva platelegs, Virtus mask, Virtus robe legs, Virtus robe top Büyü Taşları:Blood rune(5000), Death rune(5000), Law rune(54), Nature rune(62-64) Cephane: Onyx bolts (e)(375), Steel arrow(146) Diğer: Chaos talisman, Coal(2400)(noted), Green dragonhide(400)(noted), [Grimy herb](10, 50)(noted), Loop half of a key, Magic logs(200)(noted), Pure essence(1200, 4000)(noted), Raw shark(500)(noted), Runite ore(80)(noted), Saradomin brew (4)(10, 30), Shield left half, Silver ore(100)(noted), Starved ancient effigy, Super restore (4)(10, 30), Tooth half of a key, [Uncut gem] Tohumlar: Magic seed(5), Torstol seed(4, 5, 12) Tılsımlar: Blue charm(20), Crimson charm(20), Gold charm(20), Green charm(20) |
HAKKINDA:Tanrılar bile bundan korkuyor |
NOTLAR: Nexle ilgili daha fazla bilgi için tarih öncesi hapishane(ancient prison) rehberimize bakınız. |
YAZAR:burger000 |