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Runescape Dükkanları
İsim Şehir Tipi Memberlik Görev
'Two Feet' Charley's Fish Shop Mos Le'Harmless Balıkçı Yes Yes
Aaron's Archery Appendages Ranged Guild Okçuluk Yes No
Aemads Adventuring Supplies Ardougne Genel Yes No
Agmundi Quality Clothes Keldagrim -West- Kumaşçı Yes No
Ak-Haranu's Exotic Shop Port Phasmatys Okçuluk Yes Yes
Al Kharid General Store Al Kharid Genel No No
Alain -Farmer- Taverly Tarlacılık Yes No
Aleck's Hunter Emporium Yanille Avcılık Yes No
Ali the Carter Nardah genel Yes No
Ali the Kebab Seller Pollnivneach Kebab Yes No
Ali's Discount Wares Al Kharid Genel Yes No
Ali's Discount Wares Blackjack(d) Al Kharid Hırsızlık Yes Yes
Ali's Discount Wares Blackjack(o) Al Kharid Hırsızlık Yes Yes
Ali's Discount Wares Desert Clothes Al Kharid Kumaşçılık Yes Yes
Ali's Discount Wares Menap Clothes Al Kharid Kumaşçılık Yes Yes
Ali's Discount Wares Runes -Small- Al Kharid büyücülük Yes Yes
Ali's Rune Shop Al Kharid büyücülük Yes Yes
Alice's Farming Shop Port Phasmatys Tarlacılık Yes Yes
Apothecary Varrock Bitkicilik No No
Archery Competition Ranged Guild Okçuluk Yes No
Ardougne Bakers Stall Ardougne Yemekçi Yes No
Ardougne Fur Stall Ardougne Kürk Yes No
Ardougne Gem Stall Ardougne Mücevherci Yes No
Ardougne Silver Stall Ardougne Gümüşçü Yes No
Ardougne Spice Stall Ardougne Baharatçı Yes No
Arhein shop Catherby Genel Yes No
Armour Shop Jatizso Zırh Yes Yes
Armour Store (Blast Furnace) Keldagrim -East- Zırh Yes No
Armoury Combat Training Camp Zırh Yes Yes
Arnold's Eclectic Supplies Piscatoris Fishing Colony Genel Yes Yes
Aubury's Rune Shop Varrock Büyücülük No No
Aurel's Supplies Burgh de Rott Genel Yes Yes
Authentic Throwing Weapons Ranged Guild Silahçı Yes No
Ava's Odds and Ends Draynor Village okçuluk Yes Yes
Baba Yaga’s Magic Shop Lunar Isle Büyücülük Yes Yes
Bandit Bargains Bandit Camp(Desert) Genel Yes No
Bandit Camp Bar Bandit Camp(Desert) Biracı Yes Yes
Bandit Duty Free Bandit Camp(Wildy) Genel No No
Baraek's Fur Shop Varrock Kürkçü No No
Barker's Haberdashery Canifis Kumaşçı Yes Yes
Battle Runes Wilderness Büyücülük Yes No
Beefy Bill's Supplies Lumbridge Genel No No
Bettamax's Shop Taverly Genel Yes No
Betty's Magic Emporium Port Sarim Büyücülük No No
Blackjack Seller Pollnivneach Hırsızlık Yes Yes
Blades By Urbi Sophanem Silah Yes Yes
Blue Moon Inn Varrock Biracı No Yes
Blurberry Bar Grand Tree Biracı Yes No
Bob's Axes(repair) Lumbridge Özel Yes No
Bob's Brilliant Axes Lumbridge Baltacı No No
Bolkoy's Village Shop Tree Gnome Village Genel Yes No
Bolongo -Farmer- Gnome Stronghold Tarlacılık Yes No
Brian's Archery Shop Rimmington Okçuluk No No
Brian's Battleaxe Bazaar Port Sarim Baltacı No No
Brimhaven Agility Ticket Exchange Brimhaven Ödül Yes No
Brimhaven Dungeon Brimhaven Özel Yes No
Burthorpe Supplies Burthorpe Genel Yes No
Buy dyes (desert) Pollnivneach - Yes No
Buy dyes (F2P) Draynor Village - No Yes
Buy first ancient staff Bandit Camp(Desert) Asa Yes Yes
Buy Kittens Varrock Evcil hayvan Yes Yes
Buy New Crystal Equipment Tirannwn - Yes Yes
Buy-pass Shantay Shantay Pass Özel Yes No
Candle Seller Lumbridge Mumcu Yes No
Candle Shop Catherby Mumcu Yes No
Cap'n Izzy No-Beard Brimhaven Özel Yes No
Carefree Crafting Stall Keldagrim -East- Zanaatçılık Yes No
Cassie's shield shop Falador Kalkancı No No
Castle Wars Ticket Exchange Castle War Arena Ödül Yes No
Charter Ships Multiple Özel Yes No
Commander Loman's reward shop Mobilising Armies Ödül Yes No
Commendation Rewards Void Knight Outpost Ödül Yes No
Construction Supplies Varrock İnşaatçılık Yes No
Contraband Yak Produce Jatizso Özel Yes Yes
Crossbow Shop -1- Dwarven Mines Okçuluk Yes No
Crossbow Shop -2- Keldagrim -East- Okçuluk Yes No
Crossbow Shop -3- White Wolf Mountain Okçuluk Yes Yes
Crystal Seed Recharges Tirannwn Okçuluk Yes Yes
Culinaromancer's Chest(Food) Lumbridge Yemekçi Yes Yes
Culinaromancer's Chest(Items) Lumbridge Özel Yes Yes
Daemonheim Rewards Daemonheim Ödül No No
Daga's Scimitar Smithy Marim Silahçı Yes Yes
Dal's General Ogre Supplies Gu'Tanoth Genel Yes Yes
Dancing Donkey Inn Varrock Biracı No No
Dantaera -Farmer- Catherby Tarlacılık Yes No
Dargaud's Bow and Arrows Ranged Guild Okçuluk Yes No
Darren's Wilderness Cape Shop Wilderness Kumaşçılık No No
Davon's Amulet Store Brimhaven Mücevherci Yes No
Dealga's Scimitar Emporium Varrock Silahçı Yes Yes
Diango's Toy Store Draynor Village Oyuncakçı No No
Dodgy Derek's Dirty Deals Lumbridge Genel Yes Yes
Dodgy Mike's Second Hand Clothing Mos Le'Harmless Kumaşçı Yes Yes
Dommik's Crafting Shop Al Kharid Zanaatçılık No No
Dorgesh-Kaan General Supplies Dorgesh-Kaan Genel Yes Yes
Draynor Seed Market Draynor Village Tarlacılık Yes No
Dreven -Farmer- Varrock Tarlacılık Yes No
Drogo's Mining Emporium Dwarven Mines Madencilik No No
Durgok Dorgesh-Kaan Yemekçi Yes No
Dwarven Shopping Store Dwarven Mines Genel No No
Edgeville General Store Edgeville Genel No No
Edmond's Wilderness Cape Shop Wilderness Kumaşçı No No
Edward's Wilderness Cape Shop Wilderness Kumaşçı No No
Ellena -Farmer- Catherby Tarlacılık Yes No
Elnock's Backup Supply Puro-Puro Avcılık Yes Yes
Elstan -Farmer- Falador Tarlacılık Yes No
Enchant Battlestaves Seer's Village Asa Yes Yes
Eniola's Banking Shop Ardougne Özel Yes No
Estate agent -Ardougne- Ardougne - Yes No
Etceteria Fish Etceteria Balıkçı Yes Yes
Fairy Nuff Zanaris Özel Yes Yes
Falador General Store Falador Genel No No
Fancy Clothes Store Varrock Clothes Yes No
Fancy dress shop(hunter) Varrock Clothes Yes No
Faruq's Tools for Games Al Kharid Tools No No
Fayeth -Farmer- Lumbridge Farming Yes No
Fernahei's Fishing Hut Shilo Village Fishing Yes Yes
Fishing Guild Shop Fishing Guild - Yes No
Fist of Guthix Reward Shop Gamers' Grotto Reward No No
Flosi's Fishmongers Jatizso Fishing Yes Yes
Flower Girl Miscellania - Yes Yes
Flying Horse Inn Ardougne Pub/bar Yes No
Flynn's Mace Shop Falador Mace No No
Fortunato's Fine Wine Draynor Village Pub/bar No No
Francis -Farmer- Entrana Farming Yes No
Fremennik Fish Monger Rellekka Fishing Yes Yes
Fremennik Fur Trader Rellekka Fur Yes Yes
Frenita's Fine Cookery Shop Yanille Cooking Yes No
Fresh Meat Oo'glog Food Yes Yes
Frincos' Fabulous Herb Store Entrana Herbalist Yes No
Frizzy Skernip -Farmer- Port Sarim Farming Yes No
Funch's Fine Groceries Grand Tree Cooking Yes No
Gabooty's Tai Bwo Wannai Co-op Tai Bwo Wannai Clothes Yes No
Gabooty's Tai Bwo Wannai Drink Shop Tai Bwo Wannai Food Yes Yes
Gaius's Two handed shop Taverly Sword Yes No
Garden Centre Falador Farming Yes No
Gardener Gunnhild Miscellania Farming Yes Yes
Garth -Farmer- Brimhaven Farming Yes No
Gem Trader Al Kharid Gem No No
General Store -Canifis- Canifis General Yes Yes
Gerrant's Fishy Business Port Sarim Fishing No No
Gianne's Restaurant Grand Tree Food Yes No
Gift Shop Oo'glog General Yes Yes
Gileth -Farmer- Tree Gnome Village Farming Yes No
Grand Tree Groceries Grand Tree Cooking Yes No
Green Gemstone Gems Keldagrim -East- Gem Yes No
Greengrocer of Miscellania Miscellania Food Yes Yes
Grud's Herblore Stall Gu'Tanoth Herbalist Yes No
Grum's Gold Exchange Port Sarim - No No
Gulluck and Sons Grand Tree Weapon Yes No
Gundik Dorgesh-Kaan Food Yes No
Gunslik's Assorted Supplies Keldagrim -West- General Yes No
Hair of the Dog Tavern Canifis Pub/bar Yes No
Hairdresser's Falador Special No No
Hamab's Crafting Emporium Marim Crafting Yes Yes
Happy Heroes' H'emporium Taverly Weapon Yes Yes
Harpoon Joe's house of Rum Mos Le'Harmless Pub/bar Yes Yes
Harry's Fishing Shop Catherby Fishing Yes No
Helmet shop Barbarian Village Helmet No No
Herquin's Gems Falador Gem No No
Heskel -Farmer- Falador Farming Yes No
Hickton's Archery Emporium Catherby Archery Yes No
Honest Jimmy's House of Stuff Mos Le'Harmless Reward Yes Yes
Horvik's Armour Shop Varrock Armour No No
Ian's Wilderness Cape Shop Wilderness Clothes No No
Ifaba's General Store Marim General Yes Yes
Iffie's Random Reward Shop Varrock Reward No No
Ignatius's Hot Deals Seer's Village Tools Yes No
Initiate Temple Knight Armoury Falador Armour Yes Yes
Irksol Zanaris Jewellery Yes Yes
Island Fishmonger Miscellania Fishing Yes Yes
Island Greengrocer Etceteria Food Yes Yes
Jamila's Craft Stall Sophanem Crafting Yes Yes
Jatix's Herblore Shop Taverly Herbalist Yes No
Jiminua's Jungle Store Karamja Jungle - Yes No
Jolly Boar Inn Varrock Pub/bar No No
Jukat Zanaris Weapon Yes Yes
Kaleb Paramaya Shilo Village Pub/bar Yes Yes
Karamja General Store Karamja General No No
Karamja Wines, Spirits, and Beers Karamja Pub/bar No No
Kebab store Al Kharid Kebab No No
Kebab Store -Dwarf- Keldagrim -East- Kebab Yes No
Keepa Kettilon's Store Jatizso Food Yes Yes
Keldagrim Stonemason Keldagrim -West- - Yes Yes
Keldagrim's Best Bread Keldagrim -East- Food Yes No
Khazard Bar Port Khazard Pub/bar Yes No
Khazard General Store Port Khazard General Yes No
King's Axe Inn Keldagrim -West- Pub/bar Yes No
Kragen -Farmer- Ardougne Farming Yes No
Lady of the Waves Shilo Village - Yes Yes
Larry's Wilderness Cape Shop Wilderness Clothes No No
Laughing Miner Pub Keldagrim -East- Pub/bar Yes No
Leatherworker Ranged Guild Tanner Yes No
Legends Guild General Store Ardougne General Yes Yes
Legends Guild Shop of Useful Items Ardougne - Yes Yes
Leon Yanille Hunter Yes No
Leprechaun Larry's Farming Supplies Troll Stronghold Farming Yes No
Lletya Archery Shop Lletya Archery Yes Yes
Lletya Food Store Lletya Food Yes Yes
Lletya General Store Lletya General Yes Yes
Lletya Seamstress Lletya - Yes Yes
Lord Marshal Brogan's reward shop Mobilising Armies Reward Yes No
Louie's Armoured Legs Bazaar Al Kharid Armour No No
Lovecraft's Tackle Witchaven Fishing Yes No
Lowe's Archery Emporium Varrock Archery No No
Lumbridge Fishing Supplies Lumbridge Fishing No No
Lumbridge General Store Lumbridge General No No
Lundail's Arena-side Rune Shop Mage Arena Magic Yes No
Lyra -Farmer- Canifis Farming Yes Yes
Mage Arena Staffs Mage Arena - Yes No
Mage Training Arena Shop Duel Arena - Yes No
Magic Guild Store -Robes- Yanille Magic Yes No
Magic Guild Store -Runes- Yanille Magic Yes No
Make-over Mage Falador - No No
Markog Dorgesh-Kaan Food Yes No
Martin Thwait's Lost and Found Burthorpe General Yes No
Miltog's Lamps Dorgesh-Kaan - Yes Yes
Miscellanian Clothes Shop Miscellania Clothes Yes Yes
Miscellanian Food Shop Miscellania Food Yes Yes
Miscellanian General Store Miscellania General Yes Yes
Mizgog's Amulet of Accuracy Draynor Village Amulet No Yes
Monkey Colony Banana Store Desert Monkey Colony Food Yes Yes
Monkey Colony Gem Store Desert Monkey Colony Gem Yes Yes
Monkey Colony General Store Desert Monkey Colony General Yes Yes
Moon Clan Fine Clothes Lunar Isle Clothes Yes Yes
Moon Clan General Store Lunar Isle General Yes Yes
Mrs. Winkin's World of Seeds Vinesweeper Arena - Yes No
Multicannon Parts For Sale Ice Mountain - Yes Yes
Naff's Knockoff Staves Varrock Crafting Yes No
Nardah General Store Nardah General Yes No
Nardah Hunter Shop Nardah Hunter Yes No
Nardok's Bone Weapons Dorgesh-Kaan Weapon Yes Yes
Nathifa's Bake Stall Sophanem Food Yes Yes
Neil's Wilderness Cape Shop Wilderness Clothes No No
Neitiznot supplies Neitiznot General Yes Yes
Newspaper Stand Varrock - No No
Nulodion Ice Mountain - Yes Yes
Nurmof's Pickaxe Shop Dwarven Mines Axe No No
Obli's General Store Shilo Village General Yes Yes
Ore Seller Keldagrim -East- Mining Yes No
Ore Shop Jatizso Mining Yes Yes
Oziach Edgeville Armour No Yes
Papa Mambo's Shop Karamja Jungle General Yes No
Party Pete's Emporium Falador - No No
Party room Falador - No No
Pelter's Veg Stall -Seers- Seer's Village - Yes No
Pelter's Veg Stall -Varrock- Varrock - Yes No
Pelter's Veg Stall -Yanille- Yanille - Yes No
Pet Shop (Taverley) Taverly Pet Yes No
Pet Shop (Yanille) Yanille Pet Yes No
Pickaxe-Is-Mine Keldagrim -East- Axe Yes No
Pie Shop Varrock Food Yes No
Poison Arrow pub Ardougne Pub/bar Yes No
Pollnivneach general store Pollnivneach General Yes No
Port Phasmatys General Store Port Phasmatys General Yes Yes
Quality Armour Shop Keldagrim -West- Armour Yes No
Quality Weapons Shop Keldagrim -West- Weapon Yes No
Quartermaster's Stores Tyras Camp Weapon Yes Yes
Raetul and Co's Cloth Store Sophanem Clothes Yes Yes
Ranael's Super Skirt Store Al Kharid Plateskirt No No
Ranging Guild Ticket Exchange Ranged Guild - Yes No
Rasolo the Wandering Merchant Baxtorian Falls - Yes No
Razmire Builders Merchants Mort'ton - Yes Yes
Razmire General Store Mort'ton General Yes Yes
Re-enchant elf crystal Tirannwn - Yes Yes
Reinald's Smithing Emporium Keldagrim -East- - Yes No
Reldak's Leather Armour Dorgesh-Kaan Armour Yes Yes
Rellekka Longhall Bar Rellekka Pub/bar Yes Yes
Repair Iban Staff West Ardougne Special Yes Yes
Replace helm of Neitiznot Neitiznot Helmet Yes Yes
Rewards -Livid Farm- Lunar Isle Reward Yes Yes
Rhazien -Farmer- Etceteria Farming Yes Yes
Rhonen -Farmer- Seer's Village Farming Yes No
Richard's Farming Shop Ardougne Farming Yes No
Richard's Wilderness Cape Shop Edgeville Clothes No No
Rimmington General Store Rimmington General No No
Rising Sun Inn Falador Pub/bar No No
Rogue Varrock Jewellery Yes Yes
Rok's Chocs Box Nardah - Yes No
Rometti's Fine Fashions Grand Tree - Yes No
Rommik's Crafting Shop Rimmington Crafting No No
Rufus' Meat Emporium Canifis Food Yes Yes
Runecrafting Guild Rewards Draynor Village Crafting No No
Rusty Anchor Port Sarim Pub/bar No No
Sam's Wilderness Cape Shop Wilderness Clothes No No
Sarah's Farming Shop Falador Farming Yes No
Sawmill Operator(Planks) Varrock - Yes No
Scavvo's Rune Store Varrock Armour No Yes
Seddu's Adventurer's Store Nardah Armour Yes No
Selena -Farmer- Yanille Farming Yes No
Sell Cats West Ardougne Pet Yes Yes
Send Parcel Tai Bwo Wannai Special Yes Yes
Serjeant Cole's reward shop Mobilising Armies Reward Yes No
Servants Ardougne - Yes No
Sew eyepatch Mos Le'Harmless Special Yes No
Shantay Pass Shop Shantay Pass General Yes No
Shop - Smuggler - Comp 2 [F2P] Daemonheim - No No
Shop - Smuggler - Comp 2 [P2P] Daemonheim - Yes No
Shop - Smuggler - Comp 3 [F2P] Daemonheim - No No
Shop - Smuggler - Comp 3 [P2P] Daemonheim - Yes No
Shop - Smuggler - Comp 4 [F2P] Daemonheim - No No
Shop - Smuggler - Comp 4 [P2P] Daemonheim - Yes No
Shop - Smuggler - Comp 5 [F2P] Daemonheim - No No
Shop - Smuggler - Comp 5 [P2P] Daemonheim - Yes No
Shop - Smuggler - Comp 6 [F2P] Daemonheim - No No
Shop - Smuggler - Comp 6 [P2P] Daemonheim - Yes No
Shop of Distaste Duel Arena - Yes No
Sigmund the Merchant Rellekka General Yes Yes
Silk Trader (desert) Al Kharid Silk No No
Silk Trader (Stall) Ardougne Silk Yes No
Silver Cog Silver Stall Keldagrim -East- Silver Yes No
Simon's Wilderness Cape Shop Wilderness Clothes No No
Skulgrimen's Battle Gear Rellekka - Yes Yes
Slayer Equipment -Ancient Cavern- Baxtorian Falls Slayer Yes No
Slayer Equipment -Burthorpe- Burthorpe Slayer Yes No
Slayer Equipment -Canifis- Canifis Slayer Yes Yes
Slayer Equipment -Edgeville- Edgeville Slayer Yes No
Slayer Equipment -Pollnivneach- Pollnivneach Slayer Yes Yes
Slayer Equipment -Shilo- Shilo Village Slayer Yes Yes
Slayer Equipment -Zanaris- Zanaris Slayer Yes Yes
Slayer Rewards -Ancient Cavern- Baxtorian Falls Slayer Yes Yes
Slayer Rewards -Burthorpe- Burthorpe Slayer Yes Yes
Slayer Rewards -Canifis- Canifis Slayer Yes Yes
Slayer Rewards -Edgeville- Edgeville Slayer Yes Yes
Slayer Rewards -Pollnivneach- Pollnivneach Slayer Yes Yes
Slayer Rewards -Shilo- Shilo Village Slayer Yes Yes
Slayer Rewards -Zanaris- Zanaris Slayer Yes Yes
Smithing Smith's Shop Mos Le'Harmless Weapon Yes Yes
Solihib's Food Shop Marim Food Yes Yes
Stankers' Bronze Pickaxes Seer's Village Mining Yes No
Stealing Creation Reward Shop Gamers' Grotto Reward Yes No
Strange Old Man Mort Myre Swamp General Yes Yes
Summoning Supplies -Ogre- Gu'Tanoth Summoning Yes Yes
Summoning Supplies -Swamp- Mort Myre Swamp Summoning Yes Yes
Summoning Supplies -Taverley- Taverly Summoning Yes Yes
Tamayu's Spear Stall Tai Bwo Wannai Weapon Yes Yes
Tan hides -Canifis- Canifis Tanner Yes Yes
Tanner -Crafting Guild- Falador Crafting No No
Tanner -Varrock- Varrock Tanner No No
Tanning shop Al Kharid Tanner No No
Taria -Farmer- Rimmington Farming Yes No
Taxidermist Canifis - Yes Yes
Tenzing's Boots Burthorpe Clothes Yes Yes
The Asp and Snake Bar Pollnivneach Pub/bar Yes No
The Dead Man's Chest Brimhaven Pub/bar Yes No
The Dragon Inn Yanille Pub/bar Yes No
The Esoterican Arms Miscellania Pub/bar Yes Yes
The Forester's Arms Seer's Village Pub/bar Yes No
The Lighthouse Store Lighthouse General Yes Yes
The Milk Shop Lumbridge Food No No
The Other Inn Mos Le'Harmless Pub/bar Yes Yes
The Shrimp and Parrot Brimhaven Food Yes No
The Spice Is Right Sophanem General Yes Yes
The Toad and Chicken Burthorpe Pub/bar Yes No
Thessalia's Fine Clothes Varrock Clothes No No
Thessalia's Fine Clothes(Frog) Varrock Clothes No No
Thessalia's Fine Clothes(Makeover) Varrock Clothes No No
Tiadeche's Karambwan Stall Tai Bwo Wannai Fishing Yes Yes
Tindar Dorgesh-Kaan Food Yes No
Tony's Pizza Bases Bandit Camp(Wildy) Cooking No No
Torrell -Farmer- Ardougne Farming Yes No
Trader Stan's Trading post Multiple General Yes No
Trader Sven's Black Market Goods Meiyerditch Clothes Yes Yes
Trader's goods Darkmeyer General Yes Yes
Travel Rug Merchant Shantay Pass Special Yes No
Treznor -Farmer- Varrock Farming Yes No
Turgok Dorgesh-Kaan Food Yes No
Tutab's Magical Market Marim Magic Yes No
TzHaar-Hur-Lek's Ore and Gem Store TzHaar Caves Mining Yes No
TzHaar-Hur-Tel's Equipment Store TzHaar Caves Weapon Yes No
TzHaar-Mej-Roh's Rune Store TzHaar Caves Magic Yes No
Uglug's Stuffsies Jiggig Archery Yes Yes
Urist's Crafting Supplies Varrock Crafting Yes Yes
Use furnace Shilo Village Special Yes Yes
Valaine's Shop of Champions Varrock Armour No No
Vanessa's Farming Shop Catherby Farming Yes No
Varrock General Store Varrock General No No
Varrock Sword Shop Varrock Sword No No
Vasquen -Farmer- Lumbridge Farming Yes No
Vermundi's Clothing Stall Keldagrim -East- Clothes Yes No
Vigr's Warhammers Keldagrim -West- Weapon Yes No
Void Knight Archery Store Void Knight Outpost Archery Yes No
Void Knight General Store Void Knight Outpost General Yes No
Void Knight Magic Store Void Knight Outpost Magic Yes No
War-chief Reeves's reward shop Mobilising Armies Reward Yes No
Warrior Guild Armoury Burthorpe Armour Yes No
Warrior Guild Potion Shop Burthorpe Herbalist Yes No
Warriors' Guild Food Shop Burthorpe Food Yes No
Wayne's Chains Falador Chainmail No No
Weapons Galore Jatizso Weapon Yes Yes
West Ardougne General Store West Ardougne General Yes Yes
White Knight's Armoury Falador Armour Yes Yes
William's Wilderness Cape Shop Wilderness Clothes No No
Wydin's Food store Port Sarim Food No No
Wyson the Gardener Falador Farming No No
Yak Hide Tanner Neitiznot Tanner Yes Yes
Yaktwee's Invizzy Critters Stall Ardougne Hunter Yes No
Ye Olde Tea Shoppe Varrock Food Yes No
Yrsa's Accoutrements Rellekka Clothes Yes Yes
Zaff's Superior Staves Varrock Staff No No
Zahur - Herblore Assistance Nardah Herbalist Yes No
Zanaris General Store Zanaris General Yes Yes
Zeke's Superior Scimitars Al Kharid Scimmy No No
Zenesha's Plate Mail Body Shop Ardougne Platebody Yes No
Zenkog Dorgesh-Kaan Food Yes No
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