'Two Feet' Charley's Fish Shop |
Mos Le'Harmless |
Balıkçı |
Yes |
Yes |
Aaron's Archery Appendages |
Ranged Guild |
Okçuluk |
Yes |
No |
Aemads Adventuring Supplies |
Ardougne |
Genel |
Yes |
No |
Agmundi Quality Clothes |
Keldagrim -West- |
Kumaşçı |
Yes |
No |
Ak-Haranu's Exotic Shop |
Port Phasmatys |
Okçuluk |
Yes |
Yes |
Al Kharid General Store |
Al Kharid |
Genel |
No |
No |
Alain -Farmer- |
Taverly |
Tarlacılık |
Yes |
No |
Aleck's Hunter Emporium |
Yanille |
Avcılık |
Yes |
No |
Ali the Carter |
Nardah |
genel |
Yes |
No |
Ali the Kebab Seller |
Pollnivneach |
Kebab |
Yes |
No |
Ali's Discount Wares |
Al Kharid |
Genel |
Yes |
No |
Ali's Discount Wares Blackjack(d) |
Al Kharid |
Hırsızlık |
Yes |
Yes |
Ali's Discount Wares Blackjack(o) |
Al Kharid |
Hırsızlık |
Yes |
Yes |
Ali's Discount Wares Desert Clothes |
Al Kharid |
Kumaşçılık |
Yes |
Yes |
Ali's Discount Wares Menap Clothes |
Al Kharid |
Kumaşçılık |
Yes |
Yes |
Ali's Discount Wares Runes -Small- |
Al Kharid |
büyücülük |
Yes |
Yes |
Ali's Rune Shop |
Al Kharid |
büyücülük |
Yes |
Yes |
Alice's Farming Shop |
Port Phasmatys |
Tarlacılık |
Yes |
Yes |
Apothecary |
Varrock |
Bitkicilik |
No |
No |
Archery Competition |
Ranged Guild |
Okçuluk |
Yes |
No |
Ardougne Bakers Stall |
Ardougne |
Yemekçi |
Yes |
No |
Ardougne Fur Stall |
Ardougne |
Kürk |
Yes |
No |
Ardougne Gem Stall |
Ardougne |
Mücevherci |
Yes |
No |
Ardougne Silver Stall |
Ardougne |
Gümüşçü |
Yes |
No |
Ardougne Spice Stall |
Ardougne |
Baharatçı |
Yes |
No |
Arhein shop |
Catherby |
Genel |
Yes |
No |
Armour Shop |
Jatizso |
Zırh |
Yes |
Yes |
Armour Store (Blast Furnace) |
Keldagrim -East- |
Zırh |
Yes |
No |
Armoury |
Combat Training Camp |
Zırh |
Yes |
Yes |
Arnold's Eclectic Supplies |
Piscatoris Fishing Colony |
Genel |
Yes |
Yes |
Aubury's Rune Shop |
Varrock |
Büyücülük |
No |
No |
Aurel's Supplies |
Burgh de Rott |
Genel |
Yes |
Yes |
Authentic Throwing Weapons |
Ranged Guild |
Silahçı |
Yes |
No |
Ava's Odds and Ends |
Draynor Village |
okçuluk |
Yes |
Yes |
Baba Yaga’s Magic Shop |
Lunar Isle |
Büyücülük |
Yes |
Yes |
Bandit Bargains |
Bandit Camp(Desert) |
Genel |
Yes |
No |
Bandit Camp Bar |
Bandit Camp(Desert) |
Biracı |
Yes |
Yes |
Bandit Duty Free |
Bandit Camp(Wildy) |
Genel |
No |
No |
Baraek's Fur Shop |
Varrock |
Kürkçü |
No |
No |
Barker's Haberdashery |
Canifis |
Kumaşçı |
Yes |
Yes |
Battle Runes |
Wilderness |
Büyücülük |
Yes |
No |
Beefy Bill's Supplies |
Lumbridge |
Genel |
No |
No |
Bettamax's Shop |
Taverly |
Genel |
Yes |
No |
Betty's Magic Emporium |
Port Sarim |
Büyücülük |
No |
No |
Blackjack Seller |
Pollnivneach |
Hırsızlık |
Yes |
Yes |
Blades By Urbi |
Sophanem |
Silah |
Yes |
Yes |
Blue Moon Inn |
Varrock |
Biracı |
No |
Yes |
Blurberry Bar |
Grand Tree |
Biracı |
Yes |
No |
Bob's Axes(repair) |
Lumbridge |
Özel |
Yes |
No |
Bob's Brilliant Axes |
Lumbridge |
Baltacı |
No |
No |
Bolkoy's Village Shop |
Tree Gnome Village |
Genel |
Yes |
No |
Bolongo -Farmer- |
Gnome Stronghold |
Tarlacılık |
Yes |
No |
Brian's Archery Shop |
Rimmington |
Okçuluk |
No |
No |
Brian's Battleaxe Bazaar |
Port Sarim |
Baltacı |
No |
No |
Brimhaven Agility Ticket Exchange |
Brimhaven |
Ödül |
Yes |
No |
Brimhaven Dungeon |
Brimhaven |
Özel |
Yes |
No |
Burthorpe Supplies |
Burthorpe |
Genel |
Yes |
No |
Buy dyes (desert) |
Pollnivneach |
- |
Yes |
No |
Buy dyes (F2P) |
Draynor Village |
- |
No |
Yes |
Buy first ancient staff |
Bandit Camp(Desert) |
Asa |
Yes |
Yes |
Buy Kittens |
Varrock |
Evcil hayvan |
Yes |
Yes |
Buy New Crystal Equipment |
Tirannwn |
- |
Yes |
Yes |
Buy-pass Shantay |
Shantay Pass |
Özel |
Yes |
No |
Candle Seller |
Lumbridge |
Mumcu |
Yes |
No |
Candle Shop |
Catherby |
Mumcu |
Yes |
No |
Cap'n Izzy No-Beard |
Brimhaven |
Özel |
Yes |
No |
Carefree Crafting Stall |
Keldagrim -East- |
Zanaatçılık |
Yes |
No |
Cassie's shield shop |
Falador |
Kalkancı |
No |
No |
Castle Wars Ticket Exchange |
Castle War Arena |
Ödül |
Yes |
No |
Charter Ships |
Multiple |
Özel |
Yes |
No |
Commander Loman's reward shop |
Mobilising Armies |
Ödül |
Yes |
No |
Commendation Rewards |
Void Knight Outpost |
Ödül |
Yes |
No |
Construction Supplies |
Varrock |
İnşaatçılık |
Yes |
No |
Contraband Yak Produce |
Jatizso |
Özel |
Yes |
Yes |
Crossbow Shop -1- |
Dwarven Mines |
Okçuluk |
Yes |
No |
Crossbow Shop -2- |
Keldagrim -East- |
Okçuluk |
Yes |
No |
Crossbow Shop -3- |
White Wolf Mountain |
Okçuluk |
Yes |
Yes |
Crystal Seed Recharges |
Tirannwn |
Okçuluk |
Yes |
Yes |
Culinaromancer's Chest(Food) |
Lumbridge |
Yemekçi |
Yes |
Yes |
Culinaromancer's Chest(Items) |
Lumbridge |
Özel |
Yes |
Yes |
Daemonheim Rewards |
Daemonheim |
Ödül |
No |
No |
Daga's Scimitar Smithy |
Marim |
Silahçı |
Yes |
Yes |
Dal's General Ogre Supplies |
Gu'Tanoth |
Genel |
Yes |
Yes |
Dancing Donkey Inn |
Varrock |
Biracı |
No |
No |
Dantaera -Farmer- |
Catherby |
Tarlacılık |
Yes |
No |
Dargaud's Bow and Arrows |
Ranged Guild |
Okçuluk |
Yes |
No |
Darren's Wilderness Cape Shop |
Wilderness |
Kumaşçılık |
No |
No |
Davon's Amulet Store |
Brimhaven |
Mücevherci |
Yes |
No |
Dealga's Scimitar Emporium |
Varrock |
Silahçı |
Yes |
Yes |
Diango's Toy Store |
Draynor Village |
Oyuncakçı |
No |
No |
Dodgy Derek's Dirty Deals |
Lumbridge |
Genel |
Yes |
Yes |
Dodgy Mike's Second Hand Clothing |
Mos Le'Harmless |
Kumaşçı |
Yes |
Yes |
Dommik's Crafting Shop |
Al Kharid |
Zanaatçılık |
No |
No |
Dorgesh-Kaan General Supplies |
Dorgesh-Kaan |
Genel |
Yes |
Yes |
Draynor Seed Market |
Draynor Village |
Tarlacılık |
Yes |
No |
Dreven -Farmer- |
Varrock |
Tarlacılık |
Yes |
No |
Drogo's Mining Emporium |
Dwarven Mines |
Madencilik |
No |
No |
Durgok |
Dorgesh-Kaan |
Yemekçi |
Yes |
No |
Dwarven Shopping Store |
Dwarven Mines |
Genel |
No |
No |
Edgeville General Store |
Edgeville |
Genel |
No |
No |
Edmond's Wilderness Cape Shop |
Wilderness |
Kumaşçı |
No |
No |
Edward's Wilderness Cape Shop |
Wilderness |
Kumaşçı |
No |
No |
Ellena -Farmer- |
Catherby |
Tarlacılık |
Yes |
No |
Elnock's Backup Supply |
Puro-Puro |
Avcılık |
Yes |
Yes |
Elstan -Farmer- |
Falador |
Tarlacılık |
Yes |
No |
Enchant Battlestaves |
Seer's Village |
Asa |
Yes |
Yes |
Eniola's Banking Shop |
Ardougne |
Özel |
Yes |
No |
Estate agent -Ardougne- |
Ardougne |
- |
Yes |
No |
Etceteria Fish |
Etceteria |
Balıkçı |
Yes |
Yes |
Fairy Nuff |
Zanaris |
Özel |
Yes |
Yes |
Falador General Store |
Falador |
Genel |
No |
No |
Fancy Clothes Store |
Varrock |
Clothes |
Yes |
No |
Fancy dress shop(hunter) |
Varrock |
Clothes |
Yes |
No |
Faruq's Tools for Games |
Al Kharid |
Tools |
No |
No |
Fayeth -Farmer- |
Lumbridge |
Farming |
Yes |
No |
Fernahei's Fishing Hut |
Shilo Village |
Fishing |
Yes |
Yes |
Fishing Guild Shop |
Fishing Guild |
- |
Yes |
No |
Fist of Guthix Reward Shop |
Gamers' Grotto |
Reward |
No |
No |
Flosi's Fishmongers |
Jatizso |
Fishing |
Yes |
Yes |
Flower Girl |
Miscellania |
- |
Yes |
Yes |
Flying Horse Inn |
Ardougne |
Pub/bar |
Yes |
No |
Flynn's Mace Shop |
Falador |
Mace |
No |
No |
Fortunato's Fine Wine |
Draynor Village |
Pub/bar |
No |
No |
Francis -Farmer- |
Entrana |
Farming |
Yes |
No |
Fremennik Fish Monger |
Rellekka |
Fishing |
Yes |
Yes |
Fremennik Fur Trader |
Rellekka |
Fur |
Yes |
Yes |
Frenita's Fine Cookery Shop |
Yanille |
Cooking |
Yes |
No |
Fresh Meat |
Oo'glog |
Food |
Yes |
Yes |
Frincos' Fabulous Herb Store |
Entrana |
Herbalist |
Yes |
No |
Frizzy Skernip -Farmer- |
Port Sarim |
Farming |
Yes |
No |
Funch's Fine Groceries |
Grand Tree |
Cooking |
Yes |
No |
Gabooty's Tai Bwo Wannai Co-op |
Tai Bwo Wannai |
Clothes |
Yes |
No |
Gabooty's Tai Bwo Wannai Drink Shop |
Tai Bwo Wannai |
Food |
Yes |
Yes |
Gaius's Two handed shop |
Taverly |
Sword |
Yes |
No |
Garden Centre |
Falador |
Farming |
Yes |
No |
Gardener Gunnhild |
Miscellania |
Farming |
Yes |
Yes |
Garth -Farmer- |
Brimhaven |
Farming |
Yes |
No |
Gem Trader |
Al Kharid |
Gem |
No |
No |
General Store -Canifis- |
Canifis |
General |
Yes |
Yes |
Gerrant's Fishy Business |
Port Sarim |
Fishing |
No |
No |
Gianne's Restaurant |
Grand Tree |
Food |
Yes |
No |
Gift Shop |
Oo'glog |
General |
Yes |
Yes |
Gileth -Farmer- |
Tree Gnome Village |
Farming |
Yes |
No |
Grand Tree Groceries |
Grand Tree |
Cooking |
Yes |
No |
Green Gemstone Gems |
Keldagrim -East- |
Gem |
Yes |
No |
Greengrocer of Miscellania |
Miscellania |
Food |
Yes |
Yes |
Grud's Herblore Stall |
Gu'Tanoth |
Herbalist |
Yes |
No |
Grum's Gold Exchange |
Port Sarim |
- |
No |
No |
Gulluck and Sons |
Grand Tree |
Weapon |
Yes |
No |
Gundik |
Dorgesh-Kaan |
Food |
Yes |
No |
Gunslik's Assorted Supplies |
Keldagrim -West- |
General |
Yes |
No |
Hair of the Dog Tavern |
Canifis |
Pub/bar |
Yes |
No |
Hairdresser's |
Falador |
Special |
No |
No |
Hamab's Crafting Emporium |
Marim |
Crafting |
Yes |
Yes |
Happy Heroes' H'emporium |
Taverly |
Weapon |
Yes |
Yes |
Harpoon Joe's house of Rum |
Mos Le'Harmless |
Pub/bar |
Yes |
Yes |
Harry's Fishing Shop |
Catherby |
Fishing |
Yes |
No |
Helmet shop |
Barbarian Village |
Helmet |
No |
No |
Herquin's Gems |
Falador |
Gem |
No |
No |
Heskel -Farmer- |
Falador |
Farming |
Yes |
No |
Hickton's Archery Emporium |
Catherby |
Archery |
Yes |
No |
Honest Jimmy's House of Stuff |
Mos Le'Harmless |
Reward |
Yes |
Yes |
Horvik's Armour Shop |
Varrock |
Armour |
No |
No |
Ian's Wilderness Cape Shop |
Wilderness |
Clothes |
No |
No |
Ifaba's General Store |
Marim |
General |
Yes |
Yes |
Iffie's Random Reward Shop |
Varrock |
Reward |
No |
No |
Ignatius's Hot Deals |
Seer's Village |
Tools |
Yes |
No |
Initiate Temple Knight Armoury |
Falador |
Armour |
Yes |
Yes |
Irksol |
Zanaris |
Jewellery |
Yes |
Yes |
Island Fishmonger |
Miscellania |
Fishing |
Yes |
Yes |
Island Greengrocer |
Etceteria |
Food |
Yes |
Yes |
Jamila's Craft Stall |
Sophanem |
Crafting |
Yes |
Yes |
Jatix's Herblore Shop |
Taverly |
Herbalist |
Yes |
No |
Jiminua's Jungle Store |
Karamja Jungle |
- |
Yes |
No |
Jolly Boar Inn |
Varrock |
Pub/bar |
No |
No |
Jukat |
Zanaris |
Weapon |
Yes |
Yes |
Kaleb Paramaya |
Shilo Village |
Pub/bar |
Yes |
Yes |
Karamja General Store |
Karamja |
General |
No |
No |
Karamja Wines, Spirits, and Beers |
Karamja |
Pub/bar |
No |
No |
Kebab store |
Al Kharid |
Kebab |
No |
No |
Kebab Store -Dwarf- |
Keldagrim -East- |
Kebab |
Yes |
No |
Keepa Kettilon's Store |
Jatizso |
Food |
Yes |
Yes |
Keldagrim Stonemason |
Keldagrim -West- |
- |
Yes |
Yes |
Keldagrim's Best Bread |
Keldagrim -East- |
Food |
Yes |
No |
Khazard Bar |
Port Khazard |
Pub/bar |
Yes |
No |
Khazard General Store |
Port Khazard |
General |
Yes |
No |
King's Axe Inn |
Keldagrim -West- |
Pub/bar |
Yes |
No |
Kragen -Farmer- |
Ardougne |
Farming |
Yes |
No |
Lady of the Waves |
Shilo Village |
- |
Yes |
Yes |
Larry's Wilderness Cape Shop |
Wilderness |
Clothes |
No |
No |
Laughing Miner Pub |
Keldagrim -East- |
Pub/bar |
Yes |
No |
Leatherworker |
Ranged Guild |
Tanner |
Yes |
No |
Legends Guild General Store |
Ardougne |
General |
Yes |
Yes |
Legends Guild Shop of Useful Items |
Ardougne |
- |
Yes |
Yes |
Leon |
Yanille |
Hunter |
Yes |
No |
Leprechaun Larry's Farming Supplies |
Troll Stronghold |
Farming |
Yes |
No |
Lletya Archery Shop |
Lletya |
Archery |
Yes |
Yes |
Lletya Food Store |
Lletya |
Food |
Yes |
Yes |
Lletya General Store |
Lletya |
General |
Yes |
Yes |
Lletya Seamstress |
Lletya |
- |
Yes |
Yes |
Lord Marshal Brogan's reward shop |
Mobilising Armies |
Reward |
Yes |
No |
Louie's Armoured Legs Bazaar |
Al Kharid |
Armour |
No |
No |
Lovecraft's Tackle |
Witchaven |
Fishing |
Yes |
No |
Lowe's Archery Emporium |
Varrock |
Archery |
No |
No |
Lumbridge Fishing Supplies |
Lumbridge |
Fishing |
No |
No |
Lumbridge General Store |
Lumbridge |
General |
No |
No |
Lundail's Arena-side Rune Shop |
Mage Arena |
Magic |
Yes |
No |
Lyra -Farmer- |
Canifis |
Farming |
Yes |
Yes |
Mage Arena Staffs |
Mage Arena |
- |
Yes |
No |
Mage Training Arena Shop |
Duel Arena |
- |
Yes |
No |
Magic Guild Store -Robes- |
Yanille |
Magic |
Yes |
No |
Magic Guild Store -Runes- |
Yanille |
Magic |
Yes |
No |
Make-over Mage |
Falador |
- |
No |
No |
Markog |
Dorgesh-Kaan |
Food |
Yes |
No |
Martin Thwait's Lost and Found |
Burthorpe |
General |
Yes |
No |
Miltog's Lamps |
Dorgesh-Kaan |
- |
Yes |
Yes |
Miscellanian Clothes Shop |
Miscellania |
Clothes |
Yes |
Yes |
Miscellanian Food Shop |
Miscellania |
Food |
Yes |
Yes |
Miscellanian General Store |
Miscellania |
General |
Yes |
Yes |
Mizgog's Amulet of Accuracy |
Draynor Village |
Amulet |
No |
Yes |
Monkey Colony Banana Store |
Desert Monkey Colony |
Food |
Yes |
Yes |
Monkey Colony Gem Store |
Desert Monkey Colony |
Gem |
Yes |
Yes |
Monkey Colony General Store |
Desert Monkey Colony |
General |
Yes |
Yes |
Moon Clan Fine Clothes |
Lunar Isle |
Clothes |
Yes |
Yes |
Moon Clan General Store |
Lunar Isle |
General |
Yes |
Yes |
Mrs. Winkin's World of Seeds |
Vinesweeper Arena |
- |
Yes |
No |
Multicannon Parts For Sale |
Ice Mountain |
- |
Yes |
Yes |
Naff's Knockoff Staves |
Varrock |
Crafting |
Yes |
No |
Nardah General Store |
Nardah |
General |
Yes |
No |
Nardah Hunter Shop |
Nardah |
Hunter |
Yes |
No |
Nardok's Bone Weapons |
Dorgesh-Kaan |
Weapon |
Yes |
Yes |
Nathifa's Bake Stall |
Sophanem |
Food |
Yes |
Yes |
Neil's Wilderness Cape Shop |
Wilderness |
Clothes |
No |
No |
Neitiznot supplies |
Neitiznot |
General |
Yes |
Yes |
Newspaper Stand |
Varrock |
- |
No |
No |
Nulodion |
Ice Mountain |
- |
Yes |
Yes |
Nurmof's Pickaxe Shop |
Dwarven Mines |
Axe |
No |
No |
Obli's General Store |
Shilo Village |
General |
Yes |
Yes |
Ore Seller |
Keldagrim -East- |
Mining |
Yes |
No |
Ore Shop |
Jatizso |
Mining |
Yes |
Yes |
Oziach |
Edgeville |
Armour |
No |
Yes |
Papa Mambo's Shop |
Karamja Jungle |
General |
Yes |
No |
Party Pete's Emporium |
Falador |
- |
No |
No |
Party room |
Falador |
- |
No |
No |
Pelter's Veg Stall -Seers- |
Seer's Village |
- |
Yes |
No |
Pelter's Veg Stall -Varrock- |
Varrock |
- |
Yes |
No |
Pelter's Veg Stall -Yanille- |
Yanille |
- |
Yes |
No |
Pet Shop (Taverley) |
Taverly |
Pet |
Yes |
No |
Pet Shop (Yanille) |
Yanille |
Pet |
Yes |
No |
Pickaxe-Is-Mine |
Keldagrim -East- |
Axe |
Yes |
No |
Pie Shop |
Varrock |
Food |
Yes |
No |
Poison Arrow pub |
Ardougne |
Pub/bar |
Yes |
No |
Pollnivneach general store |
Pollnivneach |
General |
Yes |
No |
Port Phasmatys General Store |
Port Phasmatys |
General |
Yes |
Yes |
Quality Armour Shop |
Keldagrim -West- |
Armour |
Yes |
No |
Quality Weapons Shop |
Keldagrim -West- |
Weapon |
Yes |
No |
Quartermaster's Stores |
Tyras Camp |
Weapon |
Yes |
Yes |
Raetul and Co's Cloth Store |
Sophanem |
Clothes |
Yes |
Yes |
Ranael's Super Skirt Store |
Al Kharid |
Plateskirt |
No |
No |
Ranging Guild Ticket Exchange |
Ranged Guild |
- |
Yes |
No |
Rasolo the Wandering Merchant |
Baxtorian Falls |
- |
Yes |
No |
Razmire Builders Merchants |
Mort'ton |
- |
Yes |
Yes |
Razmire General Store |
Mort'ton |
General |
Yes |
Yes |
Re-enchant elf crystal |
Tirannwn |
- |
Yes |
Yes |
Reinald's Smithing Emporium |
Keldagrim -East- |
- |
Yes |
No |
Reldak's Leather Armour |
Dorgesh-Kaan |
Armour |
Yes |
Yes |
Rellekka Longhall Bar |
Rellekka |
Pub/bar |
Yes |
Yes |
Repair Iban Staff |
West Ardougne |
Special |
Yes |
Yes |
Replace helm of Neitiznot |
Neitiznot |
Helmet |
Yes |
Yes |
Rewards -Livid Farm- |
Lunar Isle |
Reward |
Yes |
Yes |
Rhazien -Farmer- |
Etceteria |
Farming |
Yes |
Yes |
Rhonen -Farmer- |
Seer's Village |
Farming |
Yes |
No |
Richard's Farming Shop |
Ardougne |
Farming |
Yes |
No |
Richard's Wilderness Cape Shop |
Edgeville |
Clothes |
No |
No |
Rimmington General Store |
Rimmington |
General |
No |
No |
Rising Sun Inn |
Falador |
Pub/bar |
No |
No |
Rogue |
Varrock |
Jewellery |
Yes |
Yes |
Rok's Chocs Box |
Nardah |
- |
Yes |
No |
Rometti's Fine Fashions |
Grand Tree |
- |
Yes |
No |
Rommik's Crafting Shop |
Rimmington |
Crafting |
No |
No |
Rufus' Meat Emporium |
Canifis |
Food |
Yes |
Yes |
Runecrafting Guild Rewards |
Draynor Village |
Crafting |
No |
No |
Rusty Anchor |
Port Sarim |
Pub/bar |
No |
No |
Sam's Wilderness Cape Shop |
Wilderness |
Clothes |
No |
No |
Sarah's Farming Shop |
Falador |
Farming |
Yes |
No |
Sawmill Operator(Planks) |
Varrock |
- |
Yes |
No |
Scavvo's Rune Store |
Varrock |
Armour |
No |
Yes |
Seddu's Adventurer's Store |
Nardah |
Armour |
Yes |
No |
Selena -Farmer- |
Yanille |
Farming |
Yes |
No |
Sell Cats |
West Ardougne |
Pet |
Yes |
Yes |
Send Parcel |
Tai Bwo Wannai |
Special |
Yes |
Yes |
Serjeant Cole's reward shop |
Mobilising Armies |
Reward |
Yes |
No |
Servants |
Ardougne |
- |
Yes |
No |
Sew eyepatch |
Mos Le'Harmless |
Special |
Yes |
No |
Shantay Pass Shop |
Shantay Pass |
General |
Yes |
No |
Shop - Smuggler - Comp 2 [F2P] |
Daemonheim |
- |
No |
No |
Shop - Smuggler - Comp 2 [P2P] |
Daemonheim |
- |
Yes |
No |
Shop - Smuggler - Comp 3 [F2P] |
Daemonheim |
- |
No |
No |
Shop - Smuggler - Comp 3 [P2P] |
Daemonheim |
- |
Yes |
No |
Shop - Smuggler - Comp 4 [F2P] |
Daemonheim |
- |
No |
No |
Shop - Smuggler - Comp 4 [P2P] |
Daemonheim |
- |
Yes |
No |
Shop - Smuggler - Comp 5 [F2P] |
Daemonheim |
- |
No |
No |
Shop - Smuggler - Comp 5 [P2P] |
Daemonheim |
- |
Yes |
No |
Shop - Smuggler - Comp 6 [F2P] |
Daemonheim |
- |
No |
No |
Shop - Smuggler - Comp 6 [P2P] |
Daemonheim |
- |
Yes |
No |
Shop of Distaste |
Duel Arena |
- |
Yes |
No |
Sigmund the Merchant |
Rellekka |
General |
Yes |
Yes |
Silk Trader (desert) |
Al Kharid |
Silk |
No |
No |
Silk Trader (Stall) |
Ardougne |
Silk |
Yes |
No |
Silver Cog Silver Stall |
Keldagrim -East- |
Silver |
Yes |
No |
Simon's Wilderness Cape Shop |
Wilderness |
Clothes |
No |
No |
Skulgrimen's Battle Gear |
Rellekka |
- |
Yes |
Yes |
Slayer Equipment -Ancient Cavern- |
Baxtorian Falls |
Slayer |
Yes |
No |
Slayer Equipment -Burthorpe- |
Burthorpe |
Slayer |
Yes |
No |
Slayer Equipment -Canifis- |
Canifis |
Slayer |
Yes |
Yes |
Slayer Equipment -Edgeville- |
Edgeville |
Slayer |
Yes |
No |
Slayer Equipment -Pollnivneach- |
Pollnivneach |
Slayer |
Yes |
Yes |
Slayer Equipment -Shilo- |
Shilo Village |
Slayer |
Yes |
Yes |
Slayer Equipment -Zanaris- |
Zanaris |
Slayer |
Yes |
Yes |
Slayer Rewards -Ancient Cavern- |
Baxtorian Falls |
Slayer |
Yes |
Yes |
Slayer Rewards -Burthorpe- |
Burthorpe |
Slayer |
Yes |
Yes |
Slayer Rewards -Canifis- |
Canifis |
Slayer |
Yes |
Yes |
Slayer Rewards -Edgeville- |
Edgeville |
Slayer |
Yes |
Yes |
Slayer Rewards -Pollnivneach- |
Pollnivneach |
Slayer |
Yes |
Yes |
Slayer Rewards -Shilo- |
Shilo Village |
Slayer |
Yes |
Yes |
Slayer Rewards -Zanaris- |
Zanaris |
Slayer |
Yes |
Yes |
Smithing Smith's Shop |
Mos Le'Harmless |
Weapon |
Yes |
Yes |
Solihib's Food Shop |
Marim |
Food |
Yes |
Yes |
Stankers' Bronze Pickaxes |
Seer's Village |
Mining |
Yes |
No |
Stealing Creation Reward Shop |
Gamers' Grotto |
Reward |
Yes |
No |
Strange Old Man |
Mort Myre Swamp |
General |
Yes |
Yes |
Summoning Supplies -Ogre- |
Gu'Tanoth |
Summoning |
Yes |
Yes |
Summoning Supplies -Swamp- |
Mort Myre Swamp |
Summoning |
Yes |
Yes |
Summoning Supplies -Taverley- |
Taverly |
Summoning |
Yes |
Yes |
Tamayu's Spear Stall |
Tai Bwo Wannai |
Weapon |
Yes |
Yes |
Tan hides -Canifis- |
Canifis |
Tanner |
Yes |
Yes |
Tanner -Crafting Guild- |
Falador |
Crafting |
No |
No |
Tanner -Varrock- |
Varrock |
Tanner |
No |
No |
Tanning shop |
Al Kharid |
Tanner |
No |
No |
Taria -Farmer- |
Rimmington |
Farming |
Yes |
No |
Taxidermist |
Canifis |
- |
Yes |
Yes |
Tenzing's Boots |
Burthorpe |
Clothes |
Yes |
Yes |
The Asp and Snake Bar |
Pollnivneach |
Pub/bar |
Yes |
No |
The Dead Man's Chest |
Brimhaven |
Pub/bar |
Yes |
No |
The Dragon Inn |
Yanille |
Pub/bar |
Yes |
No |
The Esoterican Arms |
Miscellania |
Pub/bar |
Yes |
Yes |
The Forester's Arms |
Seer's Village |
Pub/bar |
Yes |
No |
The Lighthouse Store |
Lighthouse |
General |
Yes |
Yes |
The Milk Shop |
Lumbridge |
Food |
No |
No |
The Other Inn |
Mos Le'Harmless |
Pub/bar |
Yes |
Yes |
The Shrimp and Parrot |
Brimhaven |
Food |
Yes |
No |
The Spice Is Right |
Sophanem |
General |
Yes |
Yes |
The Toad and Chicken |
Burthorpe |
Pub/bar |
Yes |
No |
Thessalia's Fine Clothes |
Varrock |
Clothes |
No |
No |
Thessalia's Fine Clothes(Frog) |
Varrock |
Clothes |
No |
No |
Thessalia's Fine Clothes(Makeover) |
Varrock |
Clothes |
No |
No |
Tiadeche's Karambwan Stall |
Tai Bwo Wannai |
Fishing |
Yes |
Yes |
Tindar |
Dorgesh-Kaan |
Food |
Yes |
No |
Tony's Pizza Bases |
Bandit Camp(Wildy) |
Cooking |
No |
No |
Torrell -Farmer- |
Ardougne |
Farming |
Yes |
No |
Trader Stan's Trading post |
Multiple |
General |
Yes |
No |
Trader Sven's Black Market Goods |
Meiyerditch |
Clothes |
Yes |
Yes |
Trader's goods |
Darkmeyer |
General |
Yes |
Yes |
Travel Rug Merchant |
Shantay Pass |
Special |
Yes |
No |
Treznor -Farmer- |
Varrock |
Farming |
Yes |
No |
Turgok |
Dorgesh-Kaan |
Food |
Yes |
No |
Tutab's Magical Market |
Marim |
Magic |
Yes |
No |
TzHaar-Hur-Lek's Ore and Gem Store |
TzHaar Caves |
Mining |
Yes |
No |
TzHaar-Hur-Tel's Equipment Store |
TzHaar Caves |
Weapon |
Yes |
No |
TzHaar-Mej-Roh's Rune Store |
TzHaar Caves |
Magic |
Yes |
No |
Uglug's Stuffsies |
Jiggig |
Archery |
Yes |
Yes |
Urist's Crafting Supplies |
Varrock |
Crafting |
Yes |
Yes |
Use furnace |
Shilo Village |
Special |
Yes |
Yes |
Valaine's Shop of Champions |
Varrock |
Armour |
No |
No |
Vanessa's Farming Shop |
Catherby |
Farming |
Yes |
No |
Varrock General Store |
Varrock |
General |
No |
No |
Varrock Sword Shop |
Varrock |
Sword |
No |
No |
Vasquen -Farmer- |
Lumbridge |
Farming |
Yes |
No |
Vermundi's Clothing Stall |
Keldagrim -East- |
Clothes |
Yes |
No |
Vigr's Warhammers |
Keldagrim -West- |
Weapon |
Yes |
No |
Void Knight Archery Store |
Void Knight Outpost |
Archery |
Yes |
No |
Void Knight General Store |
Void Knight Outpost |
General |
Yes |
No |
Void Knight Magic Store |
Void Knight Outpost |
Magic |
Yes |
No |
War-chief Reeves's reward shop |
Mobilising Armies |
Reward |
Yes |
No |
Warrior Guild Armoury |
Burthorpe |
Armour |
Yes |
No |
Warrior Guild Potion Shop |
Burthorpe |
Herbalist |
Yes |
No |
Warriors' Guild Food Shop |
Burthorpe |
Food |
Yes |
No |
Wayne's Chains |
Falador |
Chainmail |
No |
No |
Weapons Galore |
Jatizso |
Weapon |
Yes |
Yes |
West Ardougne General Store |
West Ardougne |
General |
Yes |
Yes |
White Knight's Armoury |
Falador |
Armour |
Yes |
Yes |
William's Wilderness Cape Shop |
Wilderness |
Clothes |
No |
No |
Wydin's Food store |
Port Sarim |
Food |
No |
No |
Wyson the Gardener |
Falador |
Farming |
No |
No |
Yak Hide Tanner |
Neitiznot |
Tanner |
Yes |
Yes |
Yaktwee's Invizzy Critters Stall |
Ardougne |
Hunter |
Yes |
No |
Ye Olde Tea Shoppe |
Varrock |
Food |
Yes |
No |
Yrsa's Accoutrements |
Rellekka |
Clothes |
Yes |
Yes |
Zaff's Superior Staves |
Varrock |
Staff |
No |
No |
Zahur - Herblore Assistance |
Nardah |
Herbalist |
Yes |
No |
Zanaris General Store |
Zanaris |
General |
Yes |
Yes |
Zeke's Superior Scimitars |
Al Kharid |
Scimmy |
No |
No |
Zenesha's Plate Mail Body Shop |
Ardougne |
Platebody |
Yes |
No |
Zenkog |
Dorgesh-Kaan |
Food |
Yes |
No |