General Graardor
İSİM:General Graardor |
TÜR:Ogre |
SEVİYE:624 |
SALDIRI ŞEKLİ:Melee+Ranged |
DÜŞÜRDÜĞÜ İTEMLER: •Altın: 19500-21500 •100%: Ourg bones -Graardor- •Silah: Adamant javelin(17-20), Dragon dagger, Dragon spear, Rune 2h sword, Rune battleaxe, Rune javelin(5), Rune longsword, Rune pickaxe, Rune spear, Rune sword •Zırh: Adamant platebody, Bandos boots, Bandos chestplate, Bandos tassets, Dragon med helm, Rune kiteshield, Rune platebody, Rune sq shield •Büyü taşları: Blood rune(50), Cosmic rune(24-29), Death rune(40,43), Law rune(41-45), Nature rune(67-70) •Mermi(ok): Rune arrow(42), Steel arrow(98-148) •Diğer: Adamantite ore(15-30)(noted), Bandos hilt, Chaos talisman, Clue scroll(elite), Coal(110-150)(noted), Curved bone, Dragonstone, Earth talisman(30)(noted), Femur bone -unpolished-*, Godsword shard 1, Godsword shard 2, Godsword shard 3, Grimy snapdragon(3), Long bone, Loop half of a key, Magic logs(15-20)(noted), Nature talisman, Runite ore(100)(noted), Shield left half, Silver ore(100)(noted), Starved ancient effigy, Super restore (4)(3 sips)(1-3), Tooth half of a key, [Uncut gem] •tohumlar: Snapdragon seed(1) |
NOTLAR: God wars dungeon da Bandos strong hold bölümünde bulunur.Girebilmek için 40 canavar kesilmesi gerekir ve 70 Strength 'nizin olması lazımdır.Maximum 600 vurur |
YAZAR:Runbird1 |